How To Prepare For Summer Tournaments and Competitions
Summer is an exciting time for youth athletes, especially those who plan to participate in summer tournaments and competitions. While some might use the summer to focus on recovery or enjoy summer sports recreationally in a lighthearted way, those who have events lined up need to keep their game... Read more
How to Keep Fuel in Your Tank to Perform At Your Best!
Keeping Fuel in Your Tank. Learn how to fuel to perform at your best!  “Coach Sarah said that this was my year to be the leader on the cross-country team!” Reese exclaims. “And if I just gave it my all, we’d be the first girls’ team at our high... Read more
Good Eats: Sports Diet and Exercise
Determining meals before and after exercise Before or after exercising, think twice about what you put in your body. Depending on your workout and intensity level, different exercises require varying methods of refueling. Roberta Anding, registered dietitian, sports dietitian and assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at Baylor College of... Read more
Can Eating Habits be Affected by Sleep?
Sleep is a crucial part of helping an athlete perform his or her best, wouldn’t you agree? Getting adequate sleep can lead to improvements in speed, accuracy, energy levels, alertness and mood. It can also help you have faster reaction times. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you increase... Read more
Health Advantages and Disadvantages of Milk
When it comes to milk beverages, the choices are more plentiful than ever. Whether you have allergies, intolerances or simply a desire for variety, there’s bound to be a milk product that meets your needs. Each type of milk has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on your health, eating habits... Read more
How To Stay Hydrated-Help for Dehydration
How do you Stay Hydrated? Rehydration is even more essential when summer temps soar. Summer break means summer practices under that hot summer sun. Dehydration is a big risk due to these warm weather conditions combined with weekend tournaments or double day workouts. Being dehydrated can result in up... Read more
Fueling Up: 6 Strategies to Proper Nutrition
Training Time: Six strategies to proper nutrition for the high-performing athlete.  Do you know what types of things athletes have to do to improve their health, body composition and performance? As a Precision Nutrition Master Level 2 coach I get the most up to date, scientific based researched and... Read more
Recovery Meal: Eat Like A Champ!
Lunchtime is a crucial time for athletes to eat well. It will help serve as a recovery meal if you had a morning workout. It will contribute to the fuel and fluids your body needs for a great afternoon or evening practice. So, how does one eat like a champ?... Read more