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get mental
3 C’s Of Improving Your Athletic Performance Video
The 3 C’s Of Improving Your Athletic Performance Get Mental with Erika Westoff, SportStars INSIDER• Over the years, I have had countless young athletes come into my office asking one simple question: “How can I improve my athletic performance?” The answer is simple: invest in Physical Training Insurance! What in... Read more
Strategy Session: Planning With Purpose Produces Positives
Get Mental with Erika Westoff, SportStars INSIDER• Interested in doing something today that can enhance your training or competition tomorrow? Keep reading. You’ll learn how planning with purpose produces positives. I’m a big fan of simple strategies that make a BIG difference in development, and that’s exactly what you’ll find... Read more
New Year, New Opportunities
Use 2017’s Arrival To Analyze Where You Are, Plot A Path To Where You Want To Be     It’s that time of year again: When we look forward, dreaming about all that we will accomplish.     If you dream of having a meaningful and successful journey through sports, investing some... Read more
Defining Commitment
   The term commitment is thrown around a lot in sports. It can be a tricky topic to address with coaches, players and parents. Especially since each may have their own definition and practice of what it means to be committed. Merriam-Webster simply defines commitment as, a promise to do... Read more
Secrets To Standing Out
   Believe It Or Not, You Can Make An Impression On College Coaches Without Filling A Stat Sheet. Get Mental : Erika Carlson    In today’s ultra-competitive, youth sport landscape, I.D. camps have become a big piece of the puzzle for those who seek to play at the collegiate level. ... Read more
Commitment Crunch
GET MENTAL : Erika Carlson     A growing trend in youth sports, especially female youth sports, is early commitment to college. In 2014, the New York Times ran a story about Haley Berg a 14-year-old 8th grader who, just a few weeks before her first day of high school, accepted... Read more
GET MENTAL : Erika Carlson     A growing trend in youth sports, especially female youth sports, is early commitment to college. In 2014, the New York Times ran a story about Haley Berg a 14-year-old 8th grader who, just a few weeks before her first day of high school, accepted... Read more
The Invisible Recovery
Healing from an injury takes as much mental strength as it does physical  GET MENTAL : Erika Carlson    It’s no secret that injury rates in youth sports are exploding. ACL tears have gotten a lot of attention in the media. According to US Youth Soccer, females are indeed more... Read more
GET MENTAL : ERIKA CARLSON     Curious what the most common reason is that athletes seek mental training services?    Pre-game nerves.      That’s right, the same thing you have felt so many times. The jittery feeling in your body (part excitement, part fear), tense muscles, excessive thinking about... Read more
Achieving your goals can be a lot easier if you have a strong, calculated method of setting them.  Get Mental : Erika Carlson     As athletes, I know you hear about goals — A LOT. I know you set them, but the truth is, most athletes fail to accomplish their... Read more
With several stages of commitment, an honest self-assessment can go a long way GET MENTAL : Erika Carlson    Commitment matters.  It’s a factor in your sport enjoyment, in your long-term sport success and your life skill development. Research tells us that long-term participation in sports help is more psychologically... Read more

Dream Big

CalHiSports Insights October 9, 2013 0

   I love a good story and lately I’ve been inspired by BIG achievements.     For instance, Diana Nyad’s 35-year pursuit of her dream to swim unassisted from Cuba to Florida is an amazing testament to persistence, drive and focus. Or, Elena Della Donne awarded the WNBA Rookie of the... Read more