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get mental
GET MENTAL: ERIKA CARLSON    Mid-season can be the perfect time to assess and reset your performance goals. If you didn’t take the time to set goals in the beginning, it’s not too late. The mid-season mark is a time to analyze your performance and set yourself up to succeed... Read more
Get Mental: Erika Carlson    Today’s “professional model” of competitive youth sports has tremendous advantages over the former recreational sport model that most of us parents grew up with.   In regards to development, young athletes are learning more, faster and sooner than ever before. My 10-year old daughter already... Read more
GET MENTALL: ERIKA CARLSON     Curious what the most common reason is that athletes seek mental training services?     Pre-game nerves.     That’s right, the same thing you have felt so many times. The jittery feeling in your body (part excitement, part fear), tense muscles, excessive thinking about “what if…” (fill... Read more
GET MENTAL: ERIKA CARLSON     If you are one of the hundreds of athletes who’s been in my office looking to improve your performance, than you’ve heard me say this, “The skill that transforms good athletes to great athletes is imagery.” Scientific studies provide us with evidence that athletes who... Read more

Dream Big

Blog February 13, 2012 0

GET MENTAL: ERIKA CARLSON     I love a good story and lately I’ve been inspired by BIG achievements.     For instance, Diana Nyad’s 35-year pursuit of her dream to swim unassisted from Cuba to Florida is an amazing testament to persistence, drive and focus. Or, Elena Della Donne awarded the... Read more

Battling Burnout

Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

   Don’t let the grind smother your love of playing your sport.  Get Mental : Erika Carlson    In a recent article in the Walnut Street Journal, it was reported that from 2008-2012 for ages 6-14 years, football participation decreased by 4.9 percent, youth basketball participation decreased by 6.3 percent... Read more
GET MENTAL : ERIKA CARLSON     Curious what the most common reason is that athletes seek mental training services?    Pre-game nerves.      That’s right, the same thing you have felt so many times. The jittery feeling in your body (part excitement, part fear), tense muscles, excessive thinking about... Read more

Are You Ready?

Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

Every athlete is tested at some point “” do you have all the tools to pass that test?  Get Mental : Erika Carlson    While attending a recent sport psychology conference, I had the pleasure of hearing WNBA basketball great, Sheryl Swoopes, talk about what drives excellence.     She talked... Read more
   Follow these tips to help better manage your nerves prior and during competitions  Get Mental : Erika Carlson    Everyone gets nervous, it’s a pretty normal part of the competitive experience “” the jitters, “butterflies,” racing thoughts and increased muscle tension and heart rate. However, some athletes get more... Read more
   Three more mental training myths you shouldn’t buy into  GET MENTAL : Erika Carlson    Times have changed. Coaches, parents and athletes better understand the need for mental training more than ever before. The field of sport psychology has worked diligently to overcome many of the myths and stigmas... Read more
   Believe it or not, many athletes may not reach their goals because they fear the pressure success might create   GET MENTAL : Erika Carlson    As athletes, we dream of one day cashing in on all the blood, sweat and tears for the glory of our sport. We... Read more
GET MENTAL : Erika Carlson    Leadership is huge factor in sport success. It’s a common myth that leaders are born, not made. The fact is, effective leaders have a specific set of skills. And, contrary to popular beliefs, there are a variety of personalities that can lead effectively.   ... Read more