9 Key Tips On How to Be A Successful College Player In Rugby
Rugby Tip of the Month University of Arizona Head Coach Sean Duffy shares with us some key off field tips for the future college rugby player and on how to be a successful college player. Especially, high school seniors should take note before heading off to college this fall!... Read more
4 Tips To Secure Most College Rugby Scholarships
It was late December when a student (a senior) told me he wanted to attend USC and play football utilizing Rugby Scholarships. His 1.82 GPA says otherwise. And he wasn’t on the football team. Ever. Not in all four years of high school. Add that he is no taller... Read more
How To Boost Your Child’s Mental Training For Rugby
Blast from the past – here’s a picture of me back in 2002 when I was at the height of my playing career. It was easy to find time to prioritize staying fit as a young adult. I virtually had no other obligations other than work, working out and... Read more
Does Position Specialization Increase Your College Recruiting Potential?
This month kicks off with a webinar hosted by Rugby New Jersey on Feb 7 designed to help student athletes and parents know how to best prepare for the annual College Rugby Fair & Combine on February 25, 2018. Everyone is welcome to join us! During the coaches’ panel last... Read more
Becoming a Rugby Referee Can Help You Get Into College!
You heard it here first – Knowing Rugby Laws and Becoming a Rugby Referee Can Help Get You Into College! Colleges value students who are involved in activities outside of school, and they are not only looking for participation, they are looking for Leadership.  As a result, rugby refereeing... Read more
How to Find Balance as a Student Athlete
It can be hard to find balance as a student and as an athlete. In the last month, I have had more meetings with students on weeknights (as late as 9 pm in some cases) and weekends. This is because the student simply has no other time to squeeze... Read more
9 Ways to Rock Your College Interview
Karen Fong Donoghue, The Rugger’s Edge When students hear the word “College Interview,” many immediately begin to panic and freak out. I mean, who wouldn’t? Most students have never been in a formal interview setting, much less with someone who will be reading their application and potentially influencing their... Read more