From Couch to 5K: A Beginner’s Guide for High School and College Athletes
You took the first steps and decided to register for your first 5-kilometer race. But it can be a bit overwhelming to know the best ways to train and prepare for the race without having any experience. Luckily, there are many apps and online resources for training plans, motivational... Read more
UFC Fighter Ryan Loder Shares Advice for Wrestlers, Stresses Mental Health
Ryan Loder provides training insights for wrestlers, and shares the importance of mental health in sports. When Ryan Loder stepped into the UFC APEX ring in Las Vegas this past August his life was changed forever—the years of dedication to wrestling, seven-days-a-week workouts, and hunger for achieving greatness paid... Read more
Top 10 Training Running Tips for Spring Success
It’s time to shake off that winter chill and mentally leap forward to strategizing for running goals this spring. Spring training presents an exciting opportunity for  runners to showcase their speed, endurance, and dedication to the sport when racing this upcoming season. Whether they’re competing on a track team,... Read more
10 Tips To Stay Warm During Cold Winter Runs
Running in cold weather is both fun and a great challenge. With open roads, empty trails, and fresh, crisp air, winter runs are a great way to stay on top of fitness goals and training. Braving the elements is possible, but failing to prepare can make the experience uncomfortable or even... Read more
8 Tips to Keep Your Workout Routine Intact While Traveling
With the holidays approaching, ’tis the season for traveling. While this allows athletes to run in new locations, some find it difficult to find the time to stick to training for their sport.   Athletes might have packed schedules, visit unfamiliar cities or states, or don’t have access to an... Read more
How To Stay Motivated To Run During Changing Fall Weather
There are just as many reasons to go outside for a run in the fall as there are to skip a workout. With busy school schedules, fall activities, and busy weekends, it’s easy to allow yourself to skip a run on occasion. Then throw constantly changing weather in the... Read more
How to Fuel Your Body for Fall and Winter Training
Training during the fall and leading to the colder winter months differs from the warmer weather season. Despite not being as hot, athletes still need to focus on staying hydrated before, during, and after workouts. Eating right to fuel the body is equally important. Whether you’re training for cross... Read more
How to Stay in Shape for Cross Country During the Winter
Cross country season is winding down, but that doesn’t mean runners should stop thinking about their long-term goals. Time off for recovery is important to prevent injury and keep the body and mind rested after a great season. But running throughout the winter even if indoor track isn’t on... Read more
Cross Country Training Tips To Get That Race Day PR
Cross country running is a demanding yet rewarding sport that requires a unique blend of endurance, speed, and mental toughness. Many athletes set their sights on achieving personal records (PRs) during races. To make these dreams a reality, cross country runners need to follow a well-structured training plan that... Read more
How To Transition From Summer Workouts To Fall Sports Training
Summertime allows for less structure—and that also may mean when it comes to training. Many athletes take a few weeks off in the summer to repair muscle and recover from spring-season sports. Those who remain active may focus on more playful summer sports to just keep fit and maintain... Read more
Know & GO Podcast | Ep. 1: Armed & Ready
In The Debut Episode Of Our New Ask-The-Expert Podcast, We Talk Arm Safety And Injury Prevention With Dr. Charles Preston • For the show’s first episode, one of the East Bay’s most renowned sports medicine practitioners as Dr. Charles Preston joins the show.  Dr. Preston is the head team... Read more
HEALTH WATCH: How does Icy Hot work to actually relieve muscle pain quickly?
I asked a group of high school athletes to list their most pressing questions about sports and health. Surprisingly, the most frequently asked questions were, “How does Icy Hot work? What are the benefits of Icy Hot and is Icy Hot good for sore muscles?” This group consists of student-athletes who... Read more