BigO Tyres

Harbor Bay Club Taekwondo* - SportStars Magazine
Harbor Bay Taekwondo offers a safe and comfortable environment in which your child will learn important skills that have a positive impact on the rest of their lives. Info: (510) 214-5871.

Harbor Bay Taekwondo offers a safe and comfortable environment in which your child will learn important skills that have a positive impact on the rest of their lives. Master F.R. Ramos holds a 5th Degree Black Belt, in addition to holding a Master’s Degree in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Motor Development. He uses his education and experience to tailor his program to meet your child’s needs.

In addition to the basics of martial arts, your child will learn proper protocol, practice motor skills, learn to follow directions, learn to communicate in a respectful manner, and challenged to discipline themselves. Through exercise and humor they will learn that martial arts is not about showing off fancy moves, but about developing their minds and bodies in order to react appropriately to conflicts in their lives. Master Ramos’ program works with your child’s inherent physical, emotional, intellectual and social abilities to develop self-esteem, sense of significance, competence, and empowerment.
Info: (510) 214-5871.

Harbor Bay Club Taekwondo*
200 Packet Landing Road
Alameda, California 94502