Walnut Creek Aquabears
Competitive Stroke Clinic is a four - week sessions are designed with the summer-recreational swimteamer in mind. Instruction includes each of the four competitive strokes and their associated turns, skills and drills. This class meets County Meet eligibility requirements are is coached by USS Aquabears swim team coaches. Info: 925-939-5990 [email protected]

The Varsity Pre-Season Group is ideal for high school age swimmers who also participate in Winter Water Polo programs, or are interested in preparing for the coming H.S. swim season. These swimmers swim any three afternoons depending on their other commitments. To join this group, please fill out the attached application and bring it your first day of practice.
Our stroke development program emphasizes:
Efficient and Technically Sound Strokes
Crisp and Quick Starts, Turns, and Underwaters
Building Endurance with Focus and Purpose
Educating Swimmers for Practice and Race Discipline
All in a Fun, Friendly and Positive Atmosphere

Camp Coaches
Additional Coaches
Walnut Creek Aquabears*
Heather Farms Park
Walnut Creek , CA
[email protected]
[google_map version="classic" lang="en" link="yes" width="100%" height="250"]Heather Farms Park,Walnut Creek ,CA[/google_map]
Camp Dates
Camps dates are currently available on the organizations website.