Good Eats: Sports Diet and Exercise
Determining meals before and after exercise Before or after exercising, think twice about what you put in your body. Depending on your workout and intensity level, different exercises require varying methods of refueling. Roberta Anding, registered dietitian, sports dietitian and assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at Baylor College of... Read more
How to Avoid Foot or Ankle Injuries While Running on the Beach
Six tips for your next jaunt by the sea to keep your feet and ankles injury free. We live in California so why not capitalize on the beauty of the beach while enjoying the strength-enhancing workout of running on the beach. Running on the beach can strengthen your ankle... Read more
Vocal Chord Dysfunction: When Stress Shuts Down Your Airway
Our Mental Skills Professional, Erika Westhoff, Breaks Down Vocal Chord Dysfunction In The Stressed Out Athlete • In my 20 years as a mental skills coach, there’s no doubt that stress is a bigger part of young athletes lives today — more than ever before. So much so, it’s... Read more
High Sierra Track Camp 2018: Learn How To Improve Technique and Speed
High altitude and soaring mountains aren’t the only reasons to choose the High Sierra Track Camp 2018, but they are compelling ones! Here’s another: Coach Harry Marra — the world-renowned coach and trainer whose career is highlighted by Ashton Eaton’s two Olympic golds and world record, as well as... Read more
Fitness FRENZY Ups Mt. Diablo
Concord Helps Host Pair Of Fitness Forward Events In October, November Get your step counter on. It’s time to get ready for the eighth running of the Diablo Summit Stump. A 30K marathon where the Mount Diablo summit is only the halfway point. The event, which is staged out... Read more